A Philosophical Perspective on the Movie Avatar
Despite the different social contexts in which young people in the New High School are inserted, one element connects them: technology. This technology, present in the daily lives of these young people, often causes distractions in the classroom. When reflecting on which teaching situation to use to spark critical philosophical reflection, technology is a path that can be explored positively. In this scenario, the choice of the fictional film Avatar: The Water Path was born, which contemplates the curricular proposal. The fictional film Avatar: The Water Path presents us with the technical and scientific advances that reverberate and promote changes in society. Its critical analysis awakens the desire to learn among teenagers in the first year of the New High School. With this, it makes possible the experience of the Pernambuco Curriculum and the Teaching of Philosophy, its objects of knowledge: culture, values and social exclusion; identity, autonomy and ancestry, enchantments; capitalism: the new production processes and social inequalities; having the ability to recognize the importance of the role of culture in the formation of values and its implications in social processes as guides for the dynamics of social inclusion/exclusion. By understanding the importance of ancestry, respect and appreciation between living beings, the planet and the connections that emanate from it, leading them to realize that the differences between peoples should not separate them, but unite them, because these differences complement each other. This relationship with the different is the seed that promotes new challenges when the objectives become common, overcoming them promotes achievements that reverberate throughout the community. Based on these assumptions, if all peoples came together in favor of a fair and egalitarian society, the world would certainly be a good place. However, the film allows us to see the duality that distances us, in the globalized era the engine that promotes the relationship with the other is consumption, capitalism dictates the rules, control over the other, domination, power. Therefore, the provocations that permeate the entire unfolding of the plot, provoked several concerns in the young people, among them: what is my role in the world? What am I, as a young, conscious student, heir to today's actions, doing to promote a different world? These problematizations are fundamental for these adolescents to realize their importance in building a more just and egalitarian society, strengthening their commitment to the political, social and environmental issues that permeate contemporary society.
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