The teaching of philosophy in Brazil: an analysis from Gramsci's perspective


  • Antonio dos Anjos Pedrosa Filho IF-Sertão Pernambucano Author
  • José Aldo Camurça de Araújo Neto Author



This work will address a little of the trajectory of philosophy teaching in Brazil, taking as a reference the philosophy of the Italian Antonio Gramsci, in this perspective it will highlight the comings and goings of philosophy as a high school subject throughout the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century, seeking to perceive whether or not there is a presence of the ideas defended by Gramsci, ideas such as: the need for philosophy to overcome prejudices, the role of the State in education and how it should act to favor teaching and the role of the teacher in teaching, taking into account that in the context conceived by the Italian philosopher, teaching needs a direction, and cannot be spontaneous, but it cannot be authoritarian either, so it is up to the educator to understand his role, the philosophy teacher must see himself as a philosopher who will directly contribute to the formation of new intellectuals.


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How to Cite

Pedrosa Filho, A. dos A. ., & Aldo Camurça de Araújo Neto, J. (2024). The teaching of philosophy in Brazil: an analysis from Gramsci’s perspective. Re(senhas), 1(2), e24016.