“Thinking about the subject of training in Edith Stein and Hannah Arendt’s conception of education as an act of resistance to barbarism in times of pandemic”
In: FERREIRA, S.; RODRIGUES, N.; LIMA, W. Filosofia e Educação: interfaces com pesquisa em educação. São Carlos: Pedro e João Editores, 2024. p. 205-231.
This work examines the chapter "Thinking about the subject of education in Edith Stein and Hannah Arendt's conception of education as an act of resistance to barbarism in times of pandemic", published in the work "Philosophy and Education: interfaces with research in education". The author will probably address how Stein and Arendt's ideas about education and training can be used to resist barbarism and promote humanization in times of crisis, such as the pandemic.
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FERREIRA, S.; RODRIGUES, N.; LIMA, W. Filosofia e Educação: interfaces com pesquisa em educação. São Carlos: Pedro e João Editores, 2024. p. 205-231
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