Propositions of Contents of the Imaginary in the Teaching of Philosophy


  • Ana Patrícia Gadelha da Costa Silva EREM Prof. Humberto Soares SEDUC-PE Author



We seek to discuss the adequacies and pertinences of the contents of the imaginary for the teaching of philosophy. Contents, such as: images in different pictorial and cultural statements; such as myths, constituted throughout the history of humanity and which were exemplified by Vernant (2006), with the narratives that shape mental frameworks; such as dreams, such as the specific expression of the unconscious, in Jung (2020), and desires, peculiar to individuals of contemporaneity permeated by technologies and their technological devices. The philosophy teacher is faced and interacts, in the theoretical and practical field of teaching, with contents of the imaginary, at the same time that his own figure characterizes a constructed image, it will also always be remodeling itself at all times. We exemplify with the "image of the self – oneself", which according to Jung (2014), we carry within us and which will always be symbolized historically. The reformulations of the figure of the teacher also occur due to different circumstances, especially external dynamics, such as technological processes that impose changes in postures, use of new apparatuses, new ideas and new devices arising from new technologies, theoretical and methodological variations, among other forms of changes, often contested or refuted. "The 'civilized' man reacts to new ideas in the same way, erecting psychological barriers that protect him from the shock brought by innovation" (Jung. 2020, p. 33). We propose, therefore, to explore the multiple possibilities and contributions of the contents of the imaginary in the teaching of philosophy at the high school level. The dynamics and ruptures generated at all times by new technological processes impose challenges on us in the daily lives of teaching that go beyond the lack of knowledge of technological tools and devices. Therefore, we seek to understand what is happening in the social environment and, at the same time, we seek self-knowledge, as a teacher, reviewing and revising the theoretical and methodological apparatuses that we have access to. 



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How to Cite

Silva, A. P. G. da C. . (2024). Propositions of Contents of the Imaginary in the Teaching of Philosophy. Re(senhas), 1(1), e24008.